Ombré/Powder Brows

This is our most popular and recommended method! It is well-suited to most skin types and typically lasts longer than Microblading. If you normally fill your Brows in daily with makeup, this is the look you will feel most comfortable with. We can make it look as natural or as defined as you want it to! And yes, it still looks very natural on the face even if wearing no other makeup! This technique mimics daily makeup done with eyebrow pencil or powder, and is a great option for everyone. It is also ideal for clients who have a previous brow tattoo. The tails of the brow are darker and fade lighter toward the beginning of the brow, creating the soft makeup effect.

1-3 Years before a Color Boost appointment is needed.


Lips Blush
Full Lips Color

Having very pale or dark lips can be a huge knock on your confidence. You walk around seeing these beautiful people with luscious lips and want the same for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Lips blush can be done with a very subtle and natural color or a bold red; it’s totally up to you! We specialize in very natural looks and believe that it looks best on most clients.


Basic Eyeliner

This machine technique adds a defining liner effect just through the actual eyelash line, causing the lash line to “pop” and look thicker, similar to a “tight-lining” look. This can be thickened up into a more traditional liner look if desired. A 6 week touch-up appointment may be desired, but is not always required depending on individual healing. Liner will last 3-5 years before needing a color boost. Top or Top and Bottom.

3-5 Years before a Color Boost is needed.

Top Only $350+
Bottom Only $300+


You are NOT eligible for Permanent Makeup if you have/are:

  • Have previous microblading or permanent makeup in the desired area. We are not able to work on all clients with previous work. You will need to contact us and be approved BEFORE booking an appointment.
  • Anyone under 18
  • Pregnant/Nursing
  • Had Botox or Filler in the 4 weeks before procedure
  • Using Accutane in the last 6 months
  • On prescription Blood Thinners
  • Undergoing Chemotherapy/ Radiation in the last 6 months
  • Current viral infections and/or diseases
  • Hepatitis or HIV positive
  • Liver Disease- high risk of infection
  • Joint replacement in the last 6 months
  • Compromised Skin near Brow or Eye Area
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
  • Currently sick with cold or flu-like virus


  • Diabetes 1 or 2
  • Auto-immune conditions
  • Any other medical condition that causes slow healing or high risk of infection. It needs to be controlled and have a Doctor’s note of clearance.
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Organ transplant
  • Joint replacement (not eligible if within the last 6 months)
  • Thyroid/Graves’ disease
  • *Hormone or Thyroid Therapies- can affect pigmentation/cause sensitivity- consult your doctor first, but a note is not necessary
  • *Cold Sore/Fever Blisters- will need to take anti-viral prior to treatment if doing lip blush. Or eyeliner with ocular herpes. Failure to do so can result in an intense outbreak, scarring, and uneven pigment results.
  • *Over the counter Blood Thinning medications- daily aspirin, etc. Would have to stop 1 month prior unless otherwise advised by your doctor. If necessary to remain on blood thinners, you would be ineligible for the procedure.

Please read ALL of the PRE- and POST-appointment instructions BEFORE booking your appointment to make sure that you will be able to meet requirements. The PMU schedule is very full and there will be a $100 charge if we have to reschedule to due to known ineligibility or lack of prep, or if there is less than 48 hours notice of cancellation. No-Shows will be charged the $100 fee and need to pay for the appointment in full to rebook.

*Keep in mind for planning that after your procedure your tattoo cannot be submerged in water, in hot steamy environments, or sweat excessively for 10-14 days after. Direct sun exposure should be avoided for at least 4 weeks. This is not a procedure that is recommended immediately before vacations, pictures, or big events. The tattooed area will be VERY DARK and defined immediately after the procedure and will fade in intensity 30-50% during healing. Moles are not able to be tattooed. Scars are very resistant to retaining pigment.

IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUS PERMANENT MAKEUP: If you have EVER had Permanent Makeup in the area you are wanting to book an appointment for: You may NOT schedule until you have contacted the salon and gotten clearance to book the appointment! We are not able to work on all previous work. You will need to email the salon about your appointment request and include THREE PHOTOS of yourself: front and right and left sides of the face. These photos must NOT be selfies. They need to be with the rear facing camera and preferably in natural daylight. If we can not see enough detail to see individual hairs we will not be able to approve your appointment. Failure to get approval for an appointment over previous work will result in a cancellation of the appointment and charge of the cancellation fee. Call or email the salon with questions.

Please follow these BEFORE instructions to prepare for your Permanent Makeup appointment:

**72 HOURS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT: NO CAFFEINE, ALCOHOL, ASPIRIN, TYLENOL, IBUPROFEN. This is not a suggestion. These substances can thin the blood and skin and can affect the overall result of your procedure. We may have to reschedule if you have not avoided these prior to your service.

1 WEEK BEFORE DISCONTINUE all non-prescription vitamins and supplements. Fish Oil and Turmeric especially need to be avoided.

2 WEEKS BEFORE: DISCONTINUE all Anti-Aging products, Retinols, AHAs, BHAs, Acne Creams, Oral or Topical Acne Medications, and Lightening Acids.

2 WEEKS BEFORE: DISCONTINUE USE of GrandeLash, Latisse, Revitalash, or any other growth serum for 2 weeks before and after your Lash Liner or Eyeliner appointment, as this effects the lash glands. Discontinue GrandeBrow for 2 weeks before a brow procedure.

3-6 WEEKS BEFORE: NO WAXING OR TWEEZING your brows!!! We need to see your full hair growth so that we may shape your brows as naturally to your face as possible.

WAIT to do Botox or Filler at least 4 weeks AFTER your PMU procedure. In order to create symmetry in the brows, its best for the face to be in it’s most natural state. The healing after your procedure can also shorten the longevity of your injections. If you cannot wait until after for injections, they need to be done at least 4 weeks prior.

WAIT at least 6 weeks after any Chemical or Laser Peels.

  • If desired, you may come to your appointment with how you normally make-up your brows, lips, or liner so that I may see what you are used to.
  • Please have your ID with you
  • We will spend the first portion of the appointment going over history and consulting on the desired procedure. For Brows, we will map out your shape based on face frame, bone structure, and facial features in a way that best compliments your individual attributes. Then we will make any adjustments together until you are happy with the shape and all questions are answered before beginning the procedure.
  • Due to safety and sanitation, No children or guests are permitted.
  • There is a 48hr cancellation required or a $100 fee will be incurred


  • Do not expect your cosmetic tattoo to heal perfectly after the first session. This is a 2-step process and will require a perfecting touch-up appointment 6-8+ weeks later, which we recommend you book online asap.
  • Immediately after your procedure the area will be VERY DARK and defined and will fade in intensity by 30-50% during the first 2 weeks of healing.
  • Your cosmetic tattoo will take up to 6 weeks to fully heal so please be patient. During the first 2 weeks when flaking comes off, the color may seem faint, patchy, or uneven because a fresh layer of skin is healing over the tattooed area. Color will continue to change daily as the deeper layers of skin heal and become more translucent.
  • We will make any adjustments needed at your follow up appointment. Nothing can be done prior to that appointment, to make sure the skin heals without any complications.
  • After your procedure your tattoo cannot be submerged in water, in hot steamy environments, or sweat excessively for 10-14 days after. Direct sun exposure should be avoided for at least 4 weeks. This is not a procedure that is recommended immediately before vacations, pictures, or big events.


  • Keep clean and DRY for the first 24 hours! Expect some swelling and redness.
  • After 24 hrs, Wash ONCE every day with a gentle face cleanser and water rinse for no more than 10 to 15 seconds and pat dry. Make sure you blot and completely dry with a clean towel after washing. Allow NO WATER to collect or sit in the affected area.
  • After 24 hrs, use a q-tip to apply a THIN LAYER of Aquaphor (size of a piece of rice) ONCE every day for 7-10 days or until flaking stops. Do NOT oversaturate with ointment! Dry healing is the goal. Oily skin types may be told to avoid ointment entirely. Oversaturating with ointment can lead to loss of pigment. Don’t be alarmed if color comes off on the q-tip when applying topical ointment. This is normal.


  • Around days 3-5 the affected area will experience flaking and look dry. DO NOT PICK! Let any flaking fall off naturally. If flakes are prematurely exfoliated it can result in patchy results and lead to scarring.
  • Do not use eyebrow pencils, concealer, sunscreen, or other makeup or on the tattooed area for 2 weeks
  • Liner procedures may wear mascara on Lash TIPS ONLY after 3 days. The mascara MUST be a brand new tube.
  • Avoid tweezing, tinting, or waxing of brows for 2-3 weeks following the procedure.
  • Avoid hot/steamy/long showers for 10-14 days. Do not allow the shower head to spray directly on the tattooed area. A thin coat of Aquaphor over the pigment can help before showering.
  • Avoid the gym or sweating for 7-10 days. Sweat contains bacteria and salt and can infect, fade, or alter the pigment.
  • Avoid direct sun to the tattooed area for 4 weeks.
  • Avoid submerging brows for 2 weeks. This includes lakes, oceans, pools, hot tubs, etc.
  • Avoid Vitamin E, Anti-Aging products, Retinols, AHAs, BHAs, Acne Creams, Oral or Topical Acne Medications, and Lightening Acids. for 6 weeks
  • If you are planning a chemical peel, IPL/BBL/PhotoFacial, MRI, or other medical procedures inform them that you have a cosmetic tattoo. Lasers can cause pigment to turn black and burn skin; procedure site must be covered and avoided.
  • If any signs of infection occur, abnormal swelling, redness or pain associated with the procedure, notify us and contact your physician.
  • After you have healed, use a good sunscreen daily to help prevent premature fading of your cosmetic tattoo.